Release Year: 2014
Genre: Arcade, Action, Gangbang / Group, Monsters, Tentacles
Censorship: Missing / There is a patch to remove
Platform: PC / Windows
Language of game: English
Language: English
System requirements (minimum): OS: Windows, RAM 128MB, HDD 55 MB
Description: Crisis Point is the project I’m currently working on. After getting started with standalone hentai animations, I felt the need to expand into something more interesting; Thus the birth of Crisis Point. In Crisis Point, you play as headstrong military soldier Alicia (pictured above). In a futuristic world, where mankind has gained the knowledge necessary to facilitate space travel, a mysterious, silent virus infects the entirety of the human race. This is a virus in the infancy, causing all children to be born female. Scientists began their efforts to eradicate this unusual infection, knowing that it would mean the slow but inevitable demise of mankind, with no way for future generations to reproduce. After nearly a decade of research, it was determined that the cure was unlikely to be found on Earth. Humanity united, pooling together their resources into a massive expedition to search the stars. Teams of scientists and soldiers were sent to various places throughout the galaxy, humankind’s last hope resting on their shoulders. Download and enjoy!
File size: 54.2 MB